Dealing with our baggage...

Monday, July 23, 2012
We have arrived at the serious stage of packing. Delta's strict rules disallows the addition of a small dresser as a checked luggage. They said it needs to have zippers. I checked. One of the items which may get the boot (or shoe as it were) are some zebra print shoes I have debated about taking as "an essential item needed". Our discussion went something like this: Jamie's thought on the subject- "Yes, take them. Then when we get chased by lions they will think you're prey and they'll follow you!" After being on the receiving end of "my look" that told him that didn't sound very good plan, he added, "Well, then we'll have time to shoot of course!" Zebra shoes stay home. Check.

I am finding it weird to read a piece of paper and not see holes in it. I've been seeing so many of Jamie's target groupings that I'm seeing a bulls eye in just about everything. After 3 UPS deliveries of shells, Jamie is finally satisfied that he will now be able to shoot the oxpecker off the buffalo we may see.


This is what OCD looks like.  I think that Jamie must have had some military background that I don't know about. I think he would do well teaching people how to make beds during basic training.   

Jamie is trying to see how close to 50 pounds he can get. He has at least 6 ounces to go. Fred thinks we should fill the 6 ounces with his mouse. We're not sure if he thinks it is some sort of protection for us or if he's telling us he needs the catnip refilled.

I am doing my own sorting of essentials. I simply don't think there is one thing I can omit. Who wants to tell Jamie there just isn't room or enough empty weight to take his guns or ammo along??

Boy it got quiet in here.