Celebration upon celebration

Monday, August 9, 2010
The excitement in the air is palatable. First my birthday (okay not so exciting for everyone else) but also our comrade in arms is back home with us where she belongs (after quite a journey to get here). If that wasn't enough...
introducing the newest member of our decor! Jamie shot this female gemsbuck just 2 hours ago. It measures 90cm and 91.5 cm. I am looking the way I do because I was still in my layered clothing which got very hot in the blind. In order to take our photos I had to crawl on the ground, which was full of thorns and brush. Completely worth it. We were just about to call it a night when several gemsbuck came into view. Danie spotted this one and urged Jamie to go for it. I was so excited and I wasn't even shooting! Danie urgently said they were leaving and to shoot fast! One shot later and she was now Jamie's. It all happened in a matter of 5 minutes. He is pretty happy about the day! What a day for all of us! TIme now for the campfire and stories upon stories...


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