Okay, so we aren't actually having warthog, but we have had eland a few times, blue wildebeest (didn't care for it) and a lasagna prepared with various meats. For being a reluctant adventurer when it comes to food, I am faring quite well. Ria, our hostess, is a wonderful cook and I am hoping she will send me her secret spice recipe (a combo of 17 spices we are told). I have to say if you ever have a chance to order eland potpie, I'd recommend it.
As I sit in my 20x4 foot area that has internet access (which is still spotty) I can smell the beginnings of lunch accompanied by the sound of Afrikaans being spoken by our hostess with the laborers (as they call them). I also hear the sound of tools while Johan, our outfitter/host is in his workshop fixing and building. When you live 80 km to the nearest town the size of Newkirk you need to learn how to do everything yourself.
This morning our PH's driver quickly scooped me up to take me to the blind where I would meet up with Jamie and Danie (his PH). They were going to walk and stalk this morning and I had long ago decided that the walking and stalking hunts would be my time for R&R. I have been a quick study in blind hunting and equipped one of my bags with my blow up travel pillow (along with other necessities that fit in a 2'x2' bag. (How I ever narrowed down my 2-3 hour necessities into that size bag is a mystery.) We started out just seeing guineas and then some ostrich showed up. A bit later a small blue wildebeest.
So for all intensive purposes this is a throw away photo but I decided to post it to show what the blind is like. I was only waiting for photos and I had to wait patiently for the ostriches to move, the trees are in the way and I was shooting out of a 4" rectangle (plus needing to be quiet and not push against the fiberglass blind).
Things were just bound to really get interesting when another team (of our group) showed up ON A 4 WHEELER. Okay people, even I know this is going to scare animals away. So back for R&R I go while they go back to walking and stalking. I'm beginning to wonder if I am bad luck.?
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